Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I MADE IT- FINALLY IN CAPE TOWN!!! I flew Ethiad Airlines from Dublin to Abu Dhabi (7 hours) to Cape Town with a brief stop in Johannesburg.  Eithad was great, I think we got fed a total of 9 times on the trip, and the seats were huge. The plane was rather empty from Abu Dhabi to Cape Town so I had a whole row to myself which was nice for sleep, although after being in 5 different time zones, my body is not quite sure what time it is now! I learned the hard way that luggage requirements are MUCH different overseas, I packed two bags which flew for free over here, but cost me – skip to the next section if you feel you may be sick now - $644!  Needless to say I will be shipping a lot of stuff back to the states, they measure by we4ight here, not baggage allowance. That hurt.
I did not get to leave the Abu Dhab airport, nor did I have to go through a customs check there so much to my dismay I do not have a UAE stamp on my passport L The airport was rather new, very large, and immaculately clean. Fro9mj the brochures I looked at Abu Dhabi looks like a really really cool city, maybe once I make millions being a big time attorney, I can afford to go back and visit!
I cannot check into the suites I am staying in with school until everyone arrives tomorrow, so I am staying at a cute little b&b just down the street for the night. I saw where I am staying and it looks really nice, right on the water. There is a great running path along the ocean, and “the waterfront”(shops ect.) are 5km (3.12 miles) away so I think that will be my running path each day.  The weather is a little brisk and windy, but more than comfortable in jeans and a sweatshirt.
It does not look like I will be getting a phone, but Skpye does work – so I can talk to people that way, if you have a skype name shoot me an email. It is a 6 hour time difference, and the suites do not have internet but I will have it at school (from 830 am – 12:30 pm  here) and plan to go to internet cafes in the afternoon to check email and talk to people at a reasonable time.
TV channels are great – one for soccer, one for rugby and one for cricket. The soccer season here just ended and Cricket is in the summer (it is winter now) but the rugby season has just started. They play once a week, I plan on trying to get to at least one match while I am here.  Although according to the driver that brought me to the hotel they sell out rather quickly. I suppose I should attempt to learn something about the sport, other than the fact they can thrown the ball forward, before I go to a match.
I get some pictures up as soon as I start adventuring around Cape Town. It looks absolutely beautiful, and there is a TON of traveler info and advice on what to do, most likely created for the world cup, so I should be able to keep myself busy. It hasn’t quite sunk in yet that 1) I am in Africa and 2) I will be here for 5 ½ weeks!!!!